Stated Income Commercial Real Estate
You Can Qualify for a Stated Income Business Loan
If you own a small business, you likely know how beneficial financing can be. Of course, a small business loan does not provide any benefits if you cannot qualify for it, and for many business owners, it can feel nearly impossible to be approved. Whether you have applied in the past and been denied or just feel like you do not have to credit score to receive financing, it can feel like a whole toolkit is off limits to you. At AMZA Capital, we are confident that we can get you approved. We offer the stated income commercial real estate, which is a special kind of loan specifically designed to be as accessible as possible. Even if you have been rejected in the past, we most likely can provide you with a stated income loan. Learn more about this type of financing and AMZA Capital.
How Stated Income Loans Are Unique
The biggest difference between a stated income loan and a traditional loan is the way approval is determined. Most loans use the applicant’s credit score and credit history. Stated income loan instead us the income of the business. This means if your business is earning a profit, you almost certainly can receive some amount of capital. The other requirement is that your business is able to cover the taxes, mortgage, and insurance of the loan.
How You Can Use Your Loan
Stated income loans open up the door to a whole range of opportunities. If you leverage the capital wisely, you can make permanent improvements to your business that last long after you have finished making payments. Some of the most common uses include:
- Remodeling
- Purchasing a second location
- Investing in your marketing
- Leasing or purchasing new equipment
- Hiring more staff members
- Refinancing
- Consolidating debt
Give AMZA Capital a call today to learn more. We are always happy to answer your questions.